Ünal ZaferAndroid TV GirişBaşlamak için Android TV hakkında biraz bilgi edelim. Android TV nedir ve nasıl farklıdır?Jun 5, 2020Jun 5, 2020
InAmazon DevelopersbyMario VivianiDeveloping for the Living Room: How to Build an Android App for Fire TV - Part 1DEPLOY A “HELLO WORLD” MEDIA STREAMING APP ON FIRE TV IN A FEW MINUTESAug 11, 2016Aug 11, 2016
InAndroid DevelopersbyBenjamin BaxterWhat’s new in Leanback: Part 2Custom Seekbar ThumbnailsAug 22, 20172Aug 22, 20172
InAndroid DevelopersbyBenjamin BaxterUsing leanback’s DiffCallbackThe difference between the DiffUtil callbacksDec 15, 20171Dec 15, 20171
InAndroid DevelopersbyAnirudh DewaniHow to engage and delight users on Android TV Oreo+As you can see from the image above, Android TV has a content-centric home screen that offers lots of real estate for apps to engage users…Jul 28, 2018Jul 28, 2018
InAndroid DevelopersbyBenjamin BaxterCustomizing Leanback for Android TVPutting round pegs in square holesAug 8, 20189Aug 8, 20189
InAndroid DevelopersbyPaul LammertsmaAndroid TV: Best practices for engaging AppsHow to customize your app’s look and feel and integrate with Android TV features.Aug 10, 20201Aug 10, 20201
InAndroid DevelopersbyPaul LammertsmaPrep your TV app for Android 12Refresh rate switching, text scaling and 4K UI support are key areas to focus on in TV apps for Android 12.Mar 16, 20222Mar 16, 20222
InBuilding for Android TVbySebastiano GottardoBuilding for Android TV — Episode 1Learning nuts and bolts.. The hard way.Oct 21, 2014Oct 21, 2014
In</dev> diariesbyAlan MendelevichwebOS or Android TV? webOS AND Android TV!Now that 4k and especially HDR are a real thing, I decided that it was finally time to upgrade my perfectly fine 9-year old Full HD TV to…Feb 19, 20191Feb 19, 20191
InHackerNoon.combyWilfried Mbouenda MbogneHow to refresh the Android Tv BrowseFragment ?During my work I faced a serious problem: flash effect when refreshing items of the BrowseFragment’s rows.Jul 27, 20163Jul 27, 20163
InProAndroidDevbyAtaul MunimCollapsing AppBarLayout on Android TVCoordinatorLayout has really made it easy to perform animations for elements that are dependent on one another, but not all of the…Mar 4, 20183Mar 4, 20183
InExploring AndroidbyJoe BirchAndroid TV & ChillA concept for what it would be like ordering fast-food on Android TV…Jun 24, 20162Jun 24, 20162
Marcus GabilheriBuilding an Android TV app: Part 1During my past internship as an Android Intern I was asked to build an Android TV app. As many developers would do, I started by looking up…Oct 12, 201614Oct 12, 201614
InExploring AndroidbyJoe BirchAndroid N: Introducing Picture-in-Picture for Android TVLast week we saw the surprise release of the Developer Preview for Android N, which saw some exciting new additions for us to get our hands…Mar 18, 20165Mar 18, 20165
InAndroid DevelopersbyBenjamin BaxterWhat’s new in Leanback: Part 1Introduction to Android TV’s PlayerAdapterAug 22, 20171Aug 22, 20171
InExploring AndroidbyJoe BirchVineyard — Creating an Android TV Vine AppEveryone loves TV, I’m certain plenty of households watch hours and hours of live TV every week — it’s as if people are hooked. But is…Jan 1, 20168Jan 1, 20168